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Sponsored Events raising funds for SOS Children

Current sponsored events

Many people run races or do endurance events for us. We use this page to highlight some of them.

Many events also have pages on their websites or on where you can donate. If you are interested in doing a sponsored event please talk to us! If you are planning a trip abroad, please be aware that we are not generally able to assist in the planning/visas etc for fund-raising trips abroad but we always try to welcome visitors in our villages.

‘Run from the Sun’ - Fundraising moto-hike across Eurasia!

Rory Elliott and Chris Colling don’t do things by halves. When they say they’re going for a bike ride, don’t expect them home for tea.

On the 18th August 2005, the two lads from the North East set off from Beijing, on the East coast of China, bound for London. They decided they needed an adventure and having found a route, all they needed then was a charity to benefit from all their efforts. Rory and Chris finally decided on SOS Children, and in particular the World Orphan Week (WOW) campaign and we are very excited to be part of such a mammoth expedition.

Karrimor, the outdoor equipment company, has been sponsoring the pair since their fundraising escapades, which included a 3 Peaks Challenge, kicked off early last year. With Karrimor and Yamaha’s support, the fundraising has taken another exciting leap with a competition to win a Yamaha motorbike. Eager bikers simply have to text the word ‘karrimor’ to the number 60999 for the chance to win £4500 worth of motorbike whilst at the same time supporting SOS Children. The competition closes on 30 December with the lucky winner being announced on New Year’s Eve.

As with anything on this scale, the journey has encountered a few problems along the route. First off, a slight hiccup meant that their motorbikes were sent to Hong Kong rather than Beijing, but the journey of a lifetime wasn’t going to be hampered by such things as late deliveries, even if it is your means of transport. Then it was on to Vietnam and South East Asia before crossing the Bay of Bengal to India.

Chris and Rory have so far travelled through 6 countries and covered well over 5000 miles. They’ve also managed to squeeze in some visits to a few SOS Children’s Villages and hope to visit SOS Children’s Village Lahore, Pakistan on December 28. Their schedule also includes an audience with the Dalai Lama, another of SOS Children’s supporters. You can follow Rory and Chris’ latest adventures on their ‘Run from the Sun’ through their web log,

Their schedule also includes an audience with the Dalai Lama, another of SOS Children’s supporters, before arriving back in the UK in January.


Considering an extreme challenge? The EVERESTMAX team are leading the way. Their epic journey, which began just before Christmas 2005, will take them from the lowest point on earth at the Dead Sea to the summit of Everest. The team will cycle 7000km through 8 countries following the ancient silk road, en route to the Himalayas, aiming to reach base camp on the North side of Everest in early April 2006.

The final climb to the summit will complete a total ascent of 30,250 feet - the highest climb possible on Earth and the last great overland challenge - yet to be achieved by anyone.

Such is the magnitude of this challenge, Sir Ranulph Fiennes has agreed to be the EVERESTMAX patron.

The EVERESTMAX team comprises Dom Faulkner (Expedition Leader) Jamie Rouan, Nic Clarke, Pauline Sanderson, Sarah Lyle, Dickie Walters, Rowena Wright, Dickie Walters, Andrew Sutherland, Andre Zlattinger, Chris Owen, Nigel Lyle, Phil Sanderson, Seb Bullock, Tarka L’Herpiniere, Vicki and John Parfitt.

The members come from a wide variety of backgrounds and professions with a wealth of mountaineering expertise, as well as experience in long distance cycling expeditions and overland travel. To track their progress, go to EverestMax

To sponsor their colossal efforts, you can donate online, inserting EVERESTMAX into the instruction field. The team are hoping to raise £45,000 for charity along the way, £15,000 of which will be donated to SOS Children’s Village’s Tibetan Homes in India.

Essex- Dakar Motorcycle Challenge

On the 26th December 2005 Tim Fransen AKA Team Essex-Dakar rides out of Grays, Essex on a motorbike in aid of SOS Children in the The Gambia.

Tim will be travelling through some of the most beautiful, and at times dangerous, terrain the world has to offer. The journey will pass through France, Spain, Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania and Senegal before arriving 20 days and 3700 miles later at the final destination Bakoteh, The Gambia.

As well as raising money for the SOS Projects in The Gambia, on arrival Tim’s motorbike will be donated to the ‘SOS Vocational Training & Production Center’ for use as a teaching aid in the mechanics workshop.

To sponsor Tim, see instructions on his website Essex Dakar from which you can also buy a limited edition A2 Ralph Steadman poster with all proceeds going to SOS Children.

Do not forget the publicity. If you are thinking of an event for us, as well as entering a challenge and raising money, please do (if you are not too self-concious) use your sponsored event to draw attention to the plight of children without parents around the world. Local papers are often happy to write articles about those who put themselves through the hoops for a good cause and people who sponsor you may be able to help us in lots of other ways which cost them nothing (for example, by linking to this website).

Consider Sponsorship for a particular project

If you are planning on raising a considerable sum, please talk to us about whether you would like a single specific project or topic to raise funds for rather than our general work. This can either be an actual purchase (for example raising money for a water pump) or for a topic like raising money for our projects for AIDS orphans in Africa. People sometimes find it more motivating to see some concrete result of their sponsorship, a bit like they do with child sponsorship. Some schools sponsor a child through us by holding a regular event once a year to raise the funds for the child. Most ways are possible: all you need is the enthusiasm and preparedness to ask people to help!

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